Eco-Labels Around the World [Interactive Infographic]

Eco-Labels Around the World

Eco-labels are often confused with environmental labels, defined as labels relating to the environmental performance. But, there are some differences. Eco-labels are a subgroup of environmental labels, and have their own specifications. They are granted by an independent third party, not influenced by the company who is seeking certification for its products. The product can be granted an eco-label only if it’s compliant with the criteria of the labelling scheme.

Eco-labelling benefits

Participation in the eco-labeling scheme is voluntary, yet there are many benefits of using them. The main advantage is that they provide recognition to the brand. Products with an eco-label are those which achieve higher standards of environmental protection within specific product category. Eco-labels are based on life cycle considerations, which means that all of the aspects of product’s life are taken into account.

Eco-labels help customers, as well. An eco-label provides a straightforward message to the person standing in front of a product. They allow customers to make a greener choice and easily notice if a product is with an ecological advantage. Take a look at this interactive infographic to learn more about different eco-labels around the world.

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